10:30 am

Mandi Montour

Make your own dreamcatcher with Mandi Montour as she shares her teachings and diverse knowledge in a fun, interactive workshop.

Mandi Montour

Mandi Montour

Turtle clan member of the Lenape/Delaware Nation registered on Six Nations of The Grand River. Mandi grew up in Welland, located in the Niagara Region in a big, diverse family that allowed her to grow and learn about her culture, traditional teachings, beliefs and values by travelling to family on Six Nations and Northern Ontario and Québec’s Cree territories. Mandi was named Tkwasit Mamalis after the Deer family which translates to Gentle Fawn. She is a member of a large family of hunters and gatherers that strive towards Food Sovereignty. Mandi has been webbing dreamcatchers since the age of 11 when she was taught the traditional Lenape teachings with materials from the land. Since then she has had teachings from Ojibwe and Mohawk family and also extended Cree family in the North. Although she is busy Mom, Wife and Daughter, Artist and Crafter, she always takes time to teach anyone that wants to learn as traditions can only be carried on if they are passed to the next generations.