The Water Walker

Thursday 8 September 7pm  — at The Film House

Canada, 2020. Directed by James Burns. 13 min. NR. 

Starring: Autumn Peltier

The Water Walker is a short documentary, tracing the roots, passion and perseverance of young Autumn Peltier. We follow her story as she prepares to speak at the United Nations. Autumn is an influential figure in the Indigenous and global youth-led environmental movement. In 2019, 14-year-old Autumn was named the chief water commissioner by the Anishinabek Nation.

We will be hosting a facilitated screening and Q&A with filmmaker Layla Staats on Thur 8 Sept.

Tickets are pay-what-you-can including FREE — visit FirstOntario PAC’s website for details.


September 8 @ 19:00
7:00 pm — 8:00 pm

Get pay-what-you-can tickets