The Story of Haudenosaunee through song, stories and dance, led by Gary Parker

Sunday 12 September 9am // The Backyard at FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre + Virtual livestream

The People of the Longhouse celebrate all forms of life here on Mother Earth. This presentation will deepen understanding of the ways of the Haudenosaunee through our cultural and traditional stories, songs, and dance. This is an all-ages event that will be informative and interactive.


Gary is one of our community leaders, a language speaker, cultural adviser. He is also the Principal Consultant for an Indigenous-owned consulting company with a focus in the areas of program development, governance, effective communications, and strategic planning, and other Indigenous culturally relevant services.

Gary is the Principle Consultant for an Aboriginal owned consulting company with focus in the areas of program development, governance, effective communications and strategic planning and other Aboriginal culturally relevant services.  

Gary is a Faithkeeper (a title holder) in the Aboriginal community where he was raised (Tonawanda Seneca Territory). He has a strong cultural knowledge as well as the necessary requirements for working with the mainstream. This combined balance provides him with the strong cultural standing. He implements this balance with the many Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities he works with.

Mr. Parker’s academic background is in Aboriginal Education as well as Business Management. He has been formally educated about the uniqueness of Aboriginal Epistemologies as well as holistic approaches to Aboriginal Education in which he incorporates into his work today. Gary carries an extensive background in management by his past experiences as a leader of a mainstream senior management team for a variety of profiled construction projects throughout the United States and Canada.  

Gary has had the opportunity to work with many First Nations Communities across Turtle Island as well as he works with many Urban Aboriginal/Native communities. Gary has worked with On-Reserve communities such as: Cape Croker First Nations, Six Nations, New Credit, Big River Band of Sask., Tonawanda Seneca, Seneca Nation of Indians at Cattaraugus and Allegany, etc…. Urban Communities: Fort Erie  Native Friendship Centre, Niagara Regional Native Centre, SOADI, Abbey House (Women’s Transitional Shelter), Hamilton Native Friendship Centre, Chiefs of Ontario, etc…Mainstream: City of Toronto, Niagara Region, Niagara Training and Adjustment Board, Service Canada,  AFN, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, Public Health of Canada, etc…

Gary has also sat and continues to sit on many Aboriginal Boards and committees within the Province and New York State. He provides guidance and structure to boards and committees throughout Ontario and New York State. Gary brings a variety of skills and experiences which he incorporates into work so that consumers are provided the best possible results. 

September 12 @ 09:00
9:00 am — 11:00 am

Gary Parker