Students will learn the philosophy behind the 7 Grandfather Sacred Teachings which are a set of  teachings on human conduct towards others. They are what was traditionally and still is to this day needed in order for communities to survive and respect the Symbiotic Relationship with the Natural World. 

Students will work with our “Grandfathers” (rocks) for balance, wisdom, clarity and to reflect on their teachings.  (This may include painting or using markers) 

Nokomis Cindilee 

Anishinaabe Maliseet British French, Northeast Ontario & New Brunswick ancestral territory, Wolf Clan, Grandmother, Educator, Metaphysical Holistic Practitioner 

Nokomis Migizinz Cindilee has been providing healing work and spiritual advising for 30+ years locally and internationally. She currently shares in education, officiating, and healing sessions online and in person as a practitioner at Ancestral Voices Healing Center.

Her work to strengthen and transcend the pathway of healing, on multi-dimensional levels of one’s soul journey, through education, healing and teaching.

She is in completion of work of a Master Candidate M.Msc. 2023 and acceptance to Ph.D. Phil specializing in Transpersonal Counselling 2024. Sharing healing Reiki Shihan (Master Teacher), Certified Aromatherapist and Reflexologist, Educator and Coach.


September 9 @ 14:00
2:00 pm — 2:45 pm

Nokomis Cindilee