We are the Butterfly Spirit Drum Group, our vision is to create unity, peace, and love amongst all nations, creeds, religions and peoples.
First created in 2017, with the inception of “Creators Drum” 10 friends and family spent six days working hard to create, build, and birth this Big Drum. We go to where we are called and needed, to such events as, The Folk Arts Multicultural, Women and Youth Gathering with Positive Living, World Aids Day.
Our members are:
Josephine Lavalley, Haudenosaunee Six Nations, Onondaga Clearsky,
Gahgihstah, means “I move it”
Talise Lavalley,
Ryan Lown, Haudenosaunee Oneida Wolf Clan
Tina Labrador, Shubenacadie Nation, Indian Brook, Nibwan Ahsinneeg Ikway, Standing Rock Woman She who stands strong
Norma Sherbok, First Nations
Wanda Johnson, Cayuga
Cherie Poirier, First Nations